Friday, December 28, 2012

Center for Food Safety, Save Our Seeds File Supreme Court Brief Testing Monsanto Attack on Farmer for Seed-Saving « The True Food Network

Center for Food Safety, Save Our Seeds File Supreme Court Brief Testing Monsanto Attack on Farmer for Seed-Saving « The True Food Network

Our food supply is becoming more toxic. Farmers are quickly losing their right to grow food  and save seeds as they have for decades because Monsanto and a few others have been given legal rights and owner ship to seeds that have been genetically modified.

Find out why the Supreme Court should safeguard seeds as a public good, confirming the right of Bowman and all farmers to save seeds.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Diet May Induce Epigenetic Changes In Women Before Pregnancy That Are Inherited By Offspring

Diet May Induce Epigenetic Changes In Women Before Pregnancy That Are Inherited By Offspring

"Everyone knows that what mom eats when pregnant makes a huge difference in the health of her child. Now, new research in mice suggests that what she ate before pregnancy might be important too." 

Check out this article to find out how important it is to understand how to make better nutritional choices and it's never too late to get started! Check out my Instinctive Birthing natural childbirth classes and my family nutrition and wellness classes here and visit my Instinctive Birthing blog at

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Road is Your Footsteps...

Wanderer, the road is your footsteps, nothing else;
wanderer, there is no path,
you lay down a path in walking.

In walking, you lay down a path
and when turning around
you see the road you'll
never step on again.
Wanderer, path there is none,
only tracks on the ocean foam.

The Road is Your Footsteps, by Antonio Machado, translated by Francisco Valera

I love this poem. It reminds us that we all create our own path as we journey through life and there is no going back. This is why we suffer if we spend too much time mentally reliving our past, longing for times and places gone by and people who have gone in a different direction. Living in the past can lead to regrets, sadness, bitterness and depression to name a few.

The past is over and the future does not yet exist, so living in this present moment is where we find peace, joy, and inspiration for navigating through the more difficult times in life. We can learn from our past, we can visit briefly for the sake of retrieving information needed today, but to dwell there will lead to suffering.

The same is true for dwelling on the future. In the same way, since it only exists in our minds, our focus is on things that do not yet exist, have not happened, and may not happen. We can visit there to make plans, to dream, to set intentions, but we must return home to the present moment with loving hearts and open minds, with expectation for good and confidence that no matter what happens we have the faith, strength and courage to get through it.

Our journey, the path that we make while walking, goes forward, one step at a time, one day at a time, and every moment holds a treasure waiting for us to unwrap it. If we are living in the moment, expecting to find treasures along the way, we will surely find them, as we let the peace that only comes from our Creator, be our guide, our decision-maker.

May your every day be filled with to overflowing with peace, joy, and inspiration!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Negative Self-Talk

Have you noticed that you often have negative self-talk? It's that negative mind-chatter that goes on as you encounter things that make you uncomfortable, fearful, guilty, resentful, critical or angry. It can also come from self-hatred, feeling like you're not good enough or powerless.

Just as negative self-talk is rooted in fear, fear comes from re-living the past, or speculating about the future, at the sacrifice of the present moment. Fear is the most prevalent emotion in our culture, and all the other negative emotions are rooted there as well. And yes, I always energy test and correct mindsets, as 85-90% of all physical pain is not physical in origin, but is coming from imbalances in the mental, emotional, psychological, psychic (chakras and energies outside yourself) and spiritual areas. I suggest that now is the time to begin working on thought transformation.

Begin your day with the intention of being aware of all negative self-talk. Then, ask pray that you will have the pause needed for you to make a better choice of words or to choose not to voice the negative thought. If you practice this every day, you will usually see an immediate decline in negative thinking and eventually it will no longer be an issue.

Another tool you can use is affirmations. Affirmations are positive thoughts that can help you to break the habitual negative thinking patterns, like the following example:

I am free from the past, I am safe and I am lovable. Say or think this affirmation when you feel haunted by your past, unsafe, or unlovable.

Change your mind, change your life, then…you can live your dreams.

Stay tuned for more posts on this topic. 

You are lovable and powerful beyond measure!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Study Accidentally Finds Chemotherapy Makes Cancer Far Worse

Study Accidentally Finds Chemotherapy Makes Cancer Far Worse

This article emphasizes taking responsibility for your own health, as well as looking for proven, well-documented natural remedies. I know that this can be be a very daunting task, but many of this are doing all we can to make credible information available to you.

Turmeric has been reported to help with other ailments as well. Check out these links and let me know what you think?

Turmeric Gel Is an Effective Component in Adjunct Periodontitis Treatment

Turmeric Offers Relief from Dental Problems

Curcumin Use in Cancer Therapy Examined

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

When I was navigating through the unfamiliar waters of menopause, one of the difficult challenges that I faced was the feeling that I was losing myself. Things that I had always enjoyed, had no appeal, my body was changing, so the clothes I would normally wear no longer seemed flattering. Sometimes it was as if a stranger resided in my body alongside me and it made me unsettled, anxious, and even angry at times.

Looking back, because all of this happened during a very difficult physical, emotional, spiritual transition, I couldn't see clearly the simple truth: I was going through yet another rite of passage, an initiation into my new older, wiser self.

I learned this great wisdom from Susun Weed in her book New Menopausal Years - The Wise Woman Way, p.244, where she says, "You've spent time in some form of isolation as you journeyed the unpredictable years of menopause...You return as Crone. You hold your wise blood inside. You have learned how to spiral the updrafts of hot flashes. You have learned detachment in the midst of emotional hurricanes. You have submitted yourself to chaos and have witnessed the most ancient of all mysteries. How can you share this with your community?"

During those years I sometimes felt isolated, alone even when surrounded by my family. There was confusion on many levels at times as I tried to understand what was happening, and all of it was leading up to my rebirth as the last stages of menopause are now complete. I see now that this was all to prepare me for new roles in serving women during their journey, not just in menopause, but women in every phase of life.

This meditation was sent to me from and it explains this process very well...

July 4, 2012
Life Transitions
The Death and Rebirth of Self
by Madisyn Taylor

Sometimes a part of us must die before another part can come to life.

Sometimes a part of us must die before another part can come to life. Even though this is a natural and necessary part of our growth, it is often painful or, if we don’t realize what’s happening, confusing and disorienting. In fact, confusion and disorientation are often the messengers that tell us a shift is taking place within us. These shifts happen throughout the lives of all humans, as we move from infancy to childhood to adolescence and beyond. With each transition from one phase to another, we find ourselves saying good-bye to an old friend, the identity that we formed in order to move through that particular time. 

Sometimes we form these identities in relationships or jobs, and when we shift those areas of our life become unsettled. Usually, if we take the time to look into the changing surface of things, we will find that a shift is taking place within us. For example, we may go through one whole chapter of our lives creating a protective shell around ourselves because we need it in order to heal from some early trauma. One day, though, we may find ourselves feeling confined and restless, wanting to move outside the shelter we needed for so long; the new part of ourselves cannot be born within the confines of the shell our old self needed to survive. 

We may feel a strange mixture of exhilaration and sadness as we say good-bye to a part of ourselves that is dying and make way for a whole new identity to emerge in its place. We may find inspiration in working with the image of an animal who molts or sheds in order to make way for new skin, fur, or feathers to emerge. For example, keeping a duck feather, or some other symbol of transformation, can remind us that death and rebirth are simply nature’s way of evolving. We can surrender to this process, letting go of our past self with great love and gratitude, and welcoming the new with an open mind and heart, ready for our next phase of life.

Are you going through a new phase? Does this resonate within you?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Facial diagnosis & Skin Conditions |

Facial diagnosis & Skin Conditions |

This is a very informative article that will shed light on how our body speaks to us every day in many ways, but if we don't understand the message, we will probably end up at the drug store looking for an over the counter remedy to minimize the symptoms to make us more comfortable. Unfortunately, the cause of your symptoms are not cured by treating the symptoms.

Ultimately, our body will heal itself if we tune in, listen, and respond with appropriate nutrition, hydration, adequate rest, and daily movement such as walking. Sometimes it may be beneficial to add herbs to our daily regimen for a short time until the body heals.

Would you like to learn how to do this? It is easier than you might think. I have many classes available to teach you how to hear and respond to your body.

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life...then you can live your dreams. Contact me for more information at

Friday, July 6, 2012

Monsanto Fails at Improving Agriculture: UCS Spreads the Word | Union of Concerned Scientists

Monsanto Fails at Improving Agriculture: UCS Spreads the Word | Union of Concerned Scientists

Yet another blight on the US food supply: GMO's or genetically modified organisms. What you don't know can definitely hurt you and your family. The good news is that we can choose again! We can start by getting educated about healthy choices and replace all the harmful foods with healthy ones.

Are you interested in learning how to make gradual changes to reduce your chemical intake? Contact me at

No Surprises: US Leads in Processed Food Consumption |

No Surprises: US Leads in Processed Food Consumption |

This article is a great follow-up to my last post. It's based on and article from the New York Times, April 3, 2010. Great information!

For more information about adding more fresh foods to your diet, I recommend these two web sites:

What do you think?

Brazil Introduces Legislation To Protect Public Health From Processed Foods

Brazil Introduces Legislation To Protect Public Health From Processed Foods

Any country who makes protecting public health a priority has my respect. Companies should not be allowed to sell foods with proven cancer-causing chemicals in them, and if they do, the message is clear, money and profit first, public health last.

What are your thoughts about our food?

Food Marketing 101

(3) Wellness Uncovered Health Forum

Ignorance is not bliss...sad that we choose to make the processed food companies rich and our health poor for mere convenience. If you want to learn more about eating healthy foods and minimize your chemical consumption contact me for more information:

Monday, June 25, 2012

DailyOM - Making the Decision

DailyOM - Making the Decision

This short article describes the state of mind from which your healing can begin. To practice this, set the intention every morning to accept whatever comes your way that day, believing that you can work through whatever happens.

Remember, acceptance does not mean that you must like it or agree with it, just that you are choosing to accept it because its already in your reality for that moment. If it is something that is in your control, you can then pursue the changes that you would like to make, if not, then accepting is the only choice you have and it just happens to be the one that will bring you peace.

Have you already started to practice living in the present moment? We would love to hear about your experience!



Check out this great site!  We have immense power in solving some of our biggest problems in this country, but we've been convinced that our one voice is not enough. Dave Carroll is our example that we have been mislead.

What company complaint do you want to be heard?

Spread the word.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

These companies still use animal testing. We can help to eliminate cruelty animals by choosing products from companies that do NO animal testing, and by becoming their voice by contacting the company, supporting organizations who work to stop this cruelty, writing to your congressman, etc.

Live from your heart, mindfully practice compassion.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kombucha Kamp Q & A

Kombucha Kamp Questions & Answers

Fermented Foods are an important key to a healthy diet. I read a fantastic book a couple of years ago called Healthy at 100 by John Robbins, about the cultures with the most people living at 100 years old or more and fermented foods were a component of all of them.

Studies show that having the correct balance of good bacteria in your gut is beneficial for reducing cholesterol, strengthening digestion and immune systems, and even proactively helping us fight off and prevent disease.

You can take probiotics to meet this need and most often  a Lactobacillus Acidophilus/Bifidus combination is suggested in general. I suggest that probiotics in any form and super-foods such as Blue Green algae are the most important supplements to consider.

For more information contact me at or

Kombucha Kamp Questions & Answers

Kombucha Kamp Questions & Answers

Fermented Foods are an important key to a healthy diet. I read a fantastic book a couple of years ago called Healthy at 100 by John Robbins, about the cultures with the most people living at 100 years old or more and fermented foods were a component of all of them.

Studies show that having the correct balance of good bacteria in your gut is beneficial for reducing cholesterol, strengthening digestion and immune systems, and even proactively helping us fight off and prevent disease.

You can take probiotics to meet this need and most often  a Lactobacillus Acidophilus/Bifidus combination is suggested in general. I suggest that probiotics in any form and super-foods such as Blue Green algae are the most important supplements to consider.

For more information contact me at or

Kombucha Kamp Questions & Answers

Kombucha Kamp Questions & Answers

Fermented Foods are an important key to a healthy diet. I read a fantastic book a couple of years ago called Healthy at 100 by John Robbins, about the cultures with the most people living at 100 years old or more and fermented foods were a component of all of them.

Studies show that having the correct balance of good bacteria in your gut is beneficial for reducing cholesterol, strengthening digestion and immune systems, and even proactively helping us fight off and prevent disease.

You can take probiotics to meet this need and most often  a Lactobacillus Acidophilus/Bifidus combination is suggested in general. I suggest that probiotics in any form and super-foods such as Blue Green algae are the most important supplements to consider.

For more information contact me at or

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Leave your drugs in the chemist's pot if you can cure your patient with food.

Several times in my life, I have been diagnosed with life threatening illnesses that seemed to appear out of nowhere, only to be healed completely by a change of diet and regular intense exercise AFTER allopathic medicine gave up saying, "I'm sorry, but there's nothing more we can do. for you." After several times, I realized that this was information I needed to share with others. This is how Wisdom Inspired Wellness was birthed...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What babies learn before they're born -

What babies learn before they're born -

Very interesting ideas presented here. Just one of many reasons that it is important to be empowered by wisdom and education to make wise choices during pregnancy and beyond.

How I Healed My Child’s Cavity — The Healthy Home Economist

How I Healed My Child’s Cavity — The Healthy Home Economist:

Dr. Weston A. Price DDS wrote of numerous situations in his dental practice back in the 1920′s and 1930′s wherecavities healed with no need for drilling and filling. Dr. Price discovered through research that cavities are caused by nutritional deficiency and when this nutritional deficiency is corrected, the cavity heals.

I highly recommend Dr. Price’s epic work Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.

Studies Suggest Low Salt Diets Are Deadly — The Healthy Home Economist

Studies Suggest Low Salt Diets Are Deadly — The Healthy Home Economist:

"It appears that it is much better to have a higher than average sodium intake than a lower than average one. In 2010, The Journal of the American Medical Association published the results of a study that showed even small decreases in sodium content in the diet increase the risk for a cardiovascular event and death."

Please read this article, watch the 2 minute video and pass it on! We must take responsibility for being informed for our own health.

You think of yourself
as a citizen of the universe.
You think you belong
to this world of dust and matter.
Out of this dust
You have created a personal image,
and have forgotten
about the essence of your true origin"

What does this quote mean to you?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mary Enig’s Oil Blend

Mary Enig’s Oil Blend:

For those trying to lose weight, this is a much better oil choice then using straight olive oil. The coconut oil will help boost your metabolism. For those trying to get more coconut oil into their diets to boost their immune system for cold and flu season, this oil blend will surely be useful!

Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: An Interview with Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue | Nourished Kitchen

Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: An Interview with Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue | Nourished Kitchen:

Dr. Kate-Rheaume Bleue - noted naturopathic physician and author - who explains precisely why we can't afford to neglect vitamin K2's role in health any longer.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Toxic chemicals finding their way into the womb -

Toxic chemicals finding their way into the womb -

It is very important to know how to take care of yourself, especially while pregnant and breastfeeding. If you want to know more, to contact me about Instinctive Birthing Classes click on the Instinctive Birthing tab at the top of this page.

Best and Worst Cereals | Environmental Working Group

Best and Worst Cereals | Environmental Working Group:

SUGAR IN CHILDREN'S CEREALS: Popular Brands Pack more sugar than sugar cakes and cookies. This in depth report published December 2011 will help you to make wiser breakfast choices for you and your family.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Spirit Food

"Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we have learned here. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts." -Marianne Williamson

Veggie Love Planet: Six Reasons Why Vegetarian Diet is so Good

Veggie Love Planet: Six Reasons Why Vegetarian Diet is so Good: Here are six reasons of why vegetarian diet is so good for you: Vegetarian cuisine is naturally low in saturated fats, and foods of pl...

Our family made gradual diet changes over the last few months. I would say that now we eat mostly vegetarian breakfasts, and we eat vegetarian lunches and dinners about 60-70% of the time, with two teens in high school. I mention them because many of my clients tell me that they would love to make diet changes but their teens, little ones, significant other will never go for it. Well, I have good news! These changes can be made in a very flexible way.

In the early 90's, when we lived in Los Angeles, I decided to become vegetarian. Many of our friends had chosen this lifestyle, and frankly, I was really tired of meat. I didn't grow up eating meat very often, usually twice a week a most. Needless to say that my family, which at that time was my oldest daughter, also in high school, and my husband, were not on board, but my 8 year old daughter was thrilled. The solution was very simple. After a family discussion, we decided that if I would cook meat whenever they wanted it, which turned out to be about 3 times a week, they would be okay. They were already used to eating lots of veggies, so on the nights that I made meat for them, I made beans or legumes with rice, couscous, corn for my complete protein, and lots of our favorite veggies. they usually ended up eating all of it and I passed on the meat for two years. It worked!

The point is, plan your meal with something for everyone. Doing it this way did not take me any extra time to prep or cook our meals.

Having a healthy lifestyle is as easy as this: Change your mind, change your life...then you can live your dreams!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Long-term maternal morbidity associated with repeat cesarean delivery

Long-term maternal morbidity associated with repeat cesarean delivery

Becoming educated empowers you to make informed decisions that can reduce unnecessary risks to mother and baby. If you are pregnant, you are already a parent who needs to make wise choices. so I encourage you to take a few minutes to check this out.

Pediatricians Firing Parents Over Vaccine Refusals. Here’s How To Respond | Nutrition Care For Children Blog

Pediatricians Firing Parents Over Vaccine Refusals. Here’s How To Respond | Nutrition Care For Children Blog

I always think about how the average pediatric practice would look without the routine practices of vaccinations and well-child visits. It seems that most children are healthy, so why would they need to regularly see a specialist to oversee their wellness? My answer: They would not make enough money from the few really sick ones to stay in business. In addition, if they educated the parents about minor illnesses like colds, viruses, chicken pox, etc., and recommended natural ways of treating these things at home, they would essentially have no practice at all. Sounds like a great idea.