

You will learn how to use essential oils safely and effectively for minor, common ailments and conditions.


You can make a positive difference by making choices that reduce the growing problem of toxic pollution in our environment, while making your home and garden a safer place for you and your family! After months of research, I will share local and online resources to make this simple and inexpensive to do.

You will learn how to:
*Make household cleansers in minutes
*Buy household cleaners that are Eco-friendly
*Control pests in the garden without pesticides
*Make flea and insect sprays using essential oils
*Take action in your home to stop global warming
*Buy foods that will significantly reduce the amount of toxins you eat

Recipes and detailed handouts will be provided.


The goal of Traditional Chinese Medicine is simply to restore balance, as illness is seen as an imbalance between internal and external factors. Health is not just the absence of symptoms; it is a state of being in balance in body, mind, and spirit.

You will learn how it works and how you can benefit from the oldest health care system still in practice. Join us and get the answers you need!


The focus of this class is on the basic diet requirements for a healthy pregnancy and for breastfeeding postpartum. I will help you to evaluate your diet by asking you to keep a journal of what you eat for the first 3 weeks. Anything you do for 21 days becomes a habit, and we want good nutrition to be a way of life for you and your family. I will also introduce easy exercises that will help you to be physically fit for the birth process.


Instinctive Birthing
Course Description

Spiritual principals as it pertains to childbirth and parenting are available at the end of each class for 15 minutes for those of you who are interested. There may also be a birth video shown in some classes.

Class 1: Instinctive Birthing Introduction & Parenting Preparation
This class will define Instinctive Birthing and Natural Childbirth and outline its goals. We will discuss the many options you will encounter on your journey and much more! We will take time to get to know each other and lay a foundation. for support during this special time for you and your family.

Class 2: Nutrition and Exercise
The focus of this class is on the basic diet requirements for a healthy pregnancy and for breastfeeding postpartum. I will help you to evaluate your diet by asking you to keep a journal of what you eat for the first 3 weeks. Anything you do for 21 days becomes a habit, and we want good nutrition to be a way of life for you and your family. I will also introduce easy exercises that will help you to be physically fit for giving birth to your baby.

Class 3: Pregnancy, Anatomy & Relaxation
You will learn basic anatomy and physiology as it applies to pregnancy and birth, to help you to better understand how your body functions in labor. This basic understanding will help you to concentrate on working with your body in labor instead of against it. We will explore how to handle the discomforts of birth naturally, how to avoid harmful substances in pregnancy, defining diagnostic testing and many more topics that will help you to make informed decisions for you and your baby. You will also learn relaxation and natural breathing techniques.

Class 4: First Stage Labor
We will continue to learn more about the anatomy and physiology as it applies to first stage labor specifically. Our focus will be on the natural process, application of physical and emotional comfort measures, positions, and practical ways of passing the time, timing contractions for frequency and duration, and characteristics of labor.

Class 5: Second Stage Labor, Delivery, Third Stage Labor, & Making a Birth Plan
Here you will learn how your body works in second stage labor, how to push effectively, and how to listen to your body. At delivery we will explore the Apgar rating, the cutting of the umbilical cord, maintaining the baby’s body temperature, after care for baby, and the baby’s first feeding. We will also discuss briefly the third stage of labor, the delivery of the placenta. We will explore various complications and how you can possibly avoid some of them, as well as exploring options to possible medical interventions. If you are planning to have a natural birth in the hospital setting, you will learn how to make a birth plan.

Class 6: Postpartum Care, Newborn care & Breastfeeding
You will learn how to take care of yourself after your baby is born. We will also cover newborn care, breastfeeding, what to do when baby cries, and adjusting to your role as a parent. You will also receive the most up-to-date information on immunization, circumcision, Postpartum Depression and more.

About Melita Franzen, CCE
Melita Franzen, CCE, is the mother of four children, all birthed naturally, and grandmother of nine grandchildren. She is the President of Central Florida Birth Network, as well as the new owner/editor-in-chief/administrator of the Orlando Green Guide. Melita is a Certified Natural Childbirth Educator, Midwifery School Graduate with 3 years of practice as a SC Licensed Midwife Apprentice, Wellness Teacher and Consultant, Ordained Spiritual Teacher and Counselor, Energetics Intuitive, Certified Fitness Trainer with Sports Nutrition, and Curriculum Writer. She is owner of Wisdom Inspired Wellness and author and teacher of Instinctive Birthing: A Comprehensive Course on Pregnancy, Labor, Birth and Postpartum and Newborn Care, as well as many other wellness and natural living classes.


In the U.S. we have access to the best “fuel”—healthy foods, money for health care, and education.

Despite this, millions of us are still running on empty, living high stress, low nutrition days. As a result we struggle with obesity, constant fatigue, and chronic illness. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Learn the Untold Truth and you can change your life!


Written by Kimberly Day featuring an exclusive interview with nationally renowned holistic beauty and weight loss expert, health advocate, and author Kat James’, sharing her own personal story of transformation, as well as her program and principles about permanent weight loss which have been featured in Ladies’ Home Journal, Self, and The New York Times, as well as in her ground-breaking book, The Truth About Beauty and her PBS special of the same name.


Stress, it's the American way of life, right?

Stress is normal. It’s even healthy, because it keeps us active, motivated, and productive. But too much stress isn’t healthy or normal, even though it’s become commonplace in America. Today, we’re driven by the relentless demands of career, family, consumerism, and more. In an effort to keep up with our fast-paced lives, we’re getting stressed out and we can’t seem to control it. And our stress-related pains surpass headaches and stiff shoulders—stress is actually exposing us to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other life-threatening illness. Nutrition and health play an important role in stress management that just might surprise you. Learn the Untold Truth and beat stress forever!

Unless we do something to change it, stress will also be the American way of death. Stress causes more than the occasional headache or heartburn; we now know that chronic stress is at the center of many serious diseases, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and more. Know the warning signs of stress-related illness. Learn the important mind-body connection. And discover your options to treat stress naturally, without drugs or expensive therapies!


Heavy or irregular periods. Hot flashes and night sweats. Breast tenderness, cysts, or fibroid tumors. Cramping, bloating, irritability, and fatigue. Millions of women suffer in silence from these conditions. Too many think the discomfort is just “part of being a woman.” It isn't!

Too many women suffer in silence from PMS or menopausal symptoms. They think this discomfort is normal—but it isn’t! It’s a warning sign of estrogen dominance, a precursor to cancer and a variety of other deadly ailments. You can stop estrogen dominance and reclaim your life, freeing yourself from the moods and cramps of your period, and the hot flashes and night sweats of menopause. Discover the roots of estrogen dominance and learn how to beat it and treat it naturally, without drugs or hormones!


Nobody wants to talk about colon health.

Colon cancer will kill more than 50,000 Americans this year. Hundreds of thousands of others will suffer from debilitating digestive disorders. Most ignore warning signs or think their symptoms are “normal.” Protect yourself by learning the Untold Truth!

But silence kills more than 50,000 colon cancer victims every year all from a disease that is 90% curable when detected early enough. Colon cancer is now the No. 2 cancer killer in America, and cases are on the rise. And it’s not just cancer, it’s ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease and a flock of other debilitating digestive disorders. Know the signs. Know how to protect yourself. Know the Untold Truth about colon health! Nobody wants to talk about colon health.


More than 18 million Americans have type II diabetes, the fastest growing disease epidemic in our country. Even more frightening, nearly one-third of its victims don’t even know they have diabetes!

Are you one of them? Know the signs of diabetes so you can obtain an early diagnosis delay leads to damage. Learn the causes of diabetes so you can minimize your exposure and make changes to your lifestyle.

Discover the treatments for diabetes if you have diabetes, you may be able to treat it naturally or even reverse it. And if you don’t yet have diabetes, you may be able to prevent it forever. Get the facts and get empowered!


Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans, affecting nearly 50% of men and nearly as many women. Many who die of sudden heart attack didn’t even know they were at risk. Learn the Untold Truth and protect yourself from cardiac arrest or debilitating disease.

For many, a fatal heart attack is the first symptom of the disease. Worse, many of the traditional risk factors don’t accurately predict whether you are susceptible. Educate yourself by understanding the role of nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices—you can dramatically fortify your health and lower disease-causing cytokine levels . . . just by making simple changes.

You don’t have to die of heart disease. Discover the real factors. Know the hidden causes. Find the real answers. Protect yourself from heart disease with the Untold Truth!


There are four basic foundations for achieving and maintaining good health: diet, exercise, adequate rest, and a good mental attitude. Balance is the key element. Knowledge, willingness and commitment are all you need to get started.

Lifestyle Transformations:
is a series of four classes that will get you started on your own personal Wellness Journey. NO LIMITS - NO BOUNDARIES!

1.An Introduction to Wellness: Change Your Mind; Change Your Life...then Live Your Dreams. Learn about the effects of stress as well as practical tools for management through through a hands-on practice of relaxation, deep breathing, visualization and meditation, while learning how your thought life can effect your health.

2.Nutrition: Getting Down to Basics. Learn the simple guidelines for making better food choices for you and your family.

3.Fitness: Developing the Lifestyle That’s Right for You. We will also go through a typical exercise program for beginners that you can do at home.

4.Healthy Cooking: Making Nutritious Meals in 30 Minutes or Less. I will share valuable ideas that will make meal times easier and most of all healthier, including giving your kitchen a makeover.